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Guide for Choosing a PET Air Compressor System


Types of PET Air Compressor Systems

The PET air compressor system began with three-phase, air-cooled, lubricated piston units with a range of smaller systems and two-stage boosters for water-cooled, oil-free, three-phase or larger systems. Over the past ten years, four-stage centrifugal have become a popular base-load air compressor, and small companies have adopted air-cooled, single-phase lubricating boosters. King of the Hill is still a three-phase, water-cooled, oil-free piston machine.

Here is a brief overview of the types blow of air compressors available today:

Air-cooled three-stage lubricated piston - 15/40 CFM; Smoothness only; Compressed from atmospheric to 580 pounds per square inch; Maximum flow rate 40/80 cfm each, so it should be used in multiple times; Provides backup; Good usage of space; Moderately effective; Service life from 10 to 12 years; very cost effective for small systems

Single-Stage Booster - 10/500 cfm; Available in smooth and non-lubricating configurations; Uses current or required inlet air from 125 or 175 psi depending on pressure; Medium usage of space; quite effective; Service life from 10 to 15 years; very economical solution for supplying compressed air from PET

Single-stage booster - 600 / 2,000 cfm; Generally oil free and water cooled; The 125 psi inlet uses air; Low rpm; Large space is required; Quite effective; Moderately high cost; Service life from 20 to 30 years; used where large quantities of low pressure air are available; realistic costs for large systems

Four-stage centrifugal installation of high pressure - 1,800 / 5,000 CFM; without oil; spatially effective; the cost of power is inefficient, Prolonged low maintenance with expensive maintenance; reasonable cost per CFM; Service life from 10 to 15 years; realistic options for the base load in large systems

Three-stage water-cooled piston - 90/1400 CFM; Oil free; water cooled; Reasonably economical configuration costs most effective option; Maintenance costs may be higher if routine inspections are not conducted between 4,000 to 6,000 hours; Highest investment value per CFM; Service life from 20 to 30 years; The mainstay of the largest production PET air compressor systems
